The Course
Better grades and more free time
thanks to improved learning and studying techniques.
Entering university a student faces many challenges: new surroundings away from home and family, more responsibility to organize and structure his studies and higher academic standards. In most places high schools and colleges teach their students only the subject matter but not the ways how to reach the proficiency to pass the test successfully. This leaves a fresh student at the university level unprepared to face those challenges. Furthermore, your success not only depends on your intellectual capabilities. Reaching your full potential includes also the physical, social, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human being.
"Study with Success" prepares you to start a new academic life successfully. It is a short course of 3 - 10 hours with lectures, exercises, film clips and an accompanying booklet. Depending on the situation it includes also an optional, individual coaching session. It teaches you how to ..
Learn smart,
not learn too hard until a burn-out.
Learn in an efficient way by setting goals and priorities
and using good studying techniques.

Over 200’000 students in more then 35 countries worldwide have attended the "Study with Success" course. Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Poland, China, the UAE, Mongolia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Chile, Cameroon, Mali, the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Rwanda and Burundi are some of those countries where the founders of “Institute Life Success” and licensed trainers are teaching this course.
Thousands of testimonials from participants show that the implementation of principles and techniques learned in the course have a significant positive impact and increase individual success in academics.
The course is translated into English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Amharic, Swahili, Bulgarian, Albanian, Malay, Nepalese and Italian.